hots bath

Looking back over 2012

Here's just a handful of the many stories resulting from prayer from the HOTS Bath Team over the past year, both out on the streets and as members walk it out as a daily life style. :-

"I'd been feeling really hounded with facial twitching for the previous 16 days.... after they prayed for me on Tuesday, the twitching stopped."

"My back was prayed for ...and it is 90% better. I have had problems sleeping because of it, but slept really well the last 2 nights."

"We were chatting away when suddenly she turned and cried out as her back gave her great pain... her eyes watered with the pain....I told her that our Father wanted to heal her of that and laid my hand on her and prayed and after a while she looked better. Later that day she sent me a text to say that her back was better!"
  "I had badly sprained my knee the previous Saturday..... The prayer was an amazing experience and at such an unexpected venue. My knee pain immediately disappeared and I walked 2 miles on Monday, two days after walking around on crutches and three days after being told by the GP it would take 4-6 weeks to heal!"

"Thank you for your boldness and frankness to demonstrate and proclaim the Kingdom of God out on the streets and for your amiable manner and the naturalness in which you shared with us and the people on the streets. It was a pleasure to experience the anointing for healing and evangelism you brought along." 

A team member's journey 

I have been a Christian for over 25 years, studied the Bible and have been fully committed to following what the Bible taught, with a limited amount of success.

There was always an underlying frustration that I did not see the transformation in peoples’ lives that the Bible led me to expect, and I saw very little of the
signs and wonders that Jesus promised would follow those who believed.

Surely Jesus promised “life in abundance” (John 10 verse 10) NOW, not “pie in the sky when we die”!

During this last year I got involved with a group of Christians who prayed for people on the streets. But first this required talking to people, mostly non-Christians, about Jesus, about God. This was a scary challenge to me since they don’t understand our church jargon.

As I simply told people how much God loved them, a surprising thing started to happen to me. What I was telling others started to hit home in my heart- God really loved ME! I had known this in my mind and could quote appropriate scriptures, but I now realised that my heart hadn't fully got the message until now.

I now feel such a joy inside, which had not been there before. The frustrations I had experienced with people have somehow been exchanged for compassion and appreciation. So, this is why Psalm 16 verse 11 says “in His presence is fullness of joy”.  

This is what some people feel when they first become Christians; the Bible becomes alive as never before, and they can’t get enough of His presence, whether meeting together with others to pray and worship or by themselves.  

Ed Humphreys  (HOTS Bath team member)

Looking ahead into 2013!

Here are some of the ways you can connect
with us this year:

  • Come and see us as HOTS Bath is back on the streets every Tuesday and Thursday starting 5th of March
  • ??Host a training school equipping you to bring others into an encounter with God and see the sick healed in your Church, Cafe, outreach ?  - download the flyer here 
  • ?Pray for us as we go out on the streets, for the ongoing Mission trips, and for the equipping we carry out
  • ?Support the work financially through monthly giving, you can download a form here 

HOTS Bath is a Reg. Charity No. 1133098