The Group Monthly Letter – And New Years Resolve



This is a short letter for busy lives.


There’s been a lot of drivel written about Christmas, about materialism and self-indulgence, but I’d like to tell you that I’ve been thrilled by people’s generosity and love in this latest season of the miraculous birth.

We can focus on the negative aspects of Christmas, but then that is perhaps all we will see. And who wants to unwrap that kind of present anyway?


Then comes this thing called ‘New Years Eve’ when people make resolutions to do this, that or the other and generally end up losing interest by about the second week of January.


But, what of this year, will it be different from any other? Well, I think so. I believe there is a sense of resolve within me that propels me towards making a difference this year. How about you? What would really make a difference to your life this year? What would make a difference for your artistic development? Are you focused on such things, or is this just another year full of mundane tasks and commitments? I wrote this a while ago:


…a life of obligations and ‘busy living’ which never connects with what Nouwen calls ‘kairos’ time; a time which transforms our everyday life from obligations and fulfilling tasks of measured time to that which is the right time, the real moment, the opportunity for change [1]


My resolve is to experience kairos time this year. For the hamster wheel of destiny to crash and burn and for us to make the difference we are meant to be in our lives and in the world of price tags and commodities.

Peace and Love,


[1] In Henri Nouwen, ‘Spiritual Formation’, p9.
