Transition Bristol


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A not-for-profit company working to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and to promote sustainability

The Transition Bristol story so far

Transition Bristol is a volunteer-led initiative that acts as a support and enabler for city-level resilience projects in Bristol. Our current core team is made up of Ciaran Mundy, Angela Raffle, Paul Baker, Simone Osborn, Kristin Sponsler, Jeremy LeFevre and Tom Henfrey.

We’re not offering the solution – rather we believe that there are many solutions and that the skills, knowledge, creativity and experience of the community is where they can be found. What we want to see is Bristol’s transition from an energy dependent system to a locally resilient, sustainable, productive and vibrant city. We think decreasing our dependence on fossil fuels could be an opportunity to create a better standard of living than we have now, where community is more important than consuming.