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Helping the church support those
struggling with mental health issues
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Mental Health Access Pack


This free resource comes from a partnership between Livability and Mind and Soul.

Mind and Soul educates, encourages and enables the church on mental health issues. Livability works with disabled and disadvantaged people and communities across the UK. Together we created this site in response to church leaders and those who attend church, who told us they needed help and support with mental health issues.

We want to offer the church a reliable, Christian-based resource which presents the facts on key mental health issues – all in one place. The site also points you to other trusted organisations, including Christian charities working in this field.

We know there’s plenty of information online about mental health but finding it – and trying to sort the good from the bad – can use up hours that church leaders simply don’t have. We hope the information you find on this site helps you to engage more effectively with mental health issues.

Livability and Mind and Soul have teamed up to provide this free resource to:
  • equip you with knowledge and advice, from medical, psychological and theological perspectives
  • help you support those in your community who are struggling with mental health issues
  • help you to discuss issues and share ideas surrounding mental health and the church
