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Farmer from Nicaragua visiting Bristol for Fairtrade Fortnight greeted by Bristol Mayor

Fairtrade Fortnight this year highlights the fact that many of the farmers who provide our food can’t afford to feed their own families. Fairtrade can change all that.

Ana Maria Gonzalez Narvaez, a Fairtrade coffee and cocoa farmer from the Jinotega region of Northern Nicaragua, is in Bristol during fairtrade fortnight 16 smFairtrade Fortnight 2016, and was welcomed to the City this morning by Bristol Mayor, George Ferguson. Ana Maria is a single parent with a grown up son who also looks after two younger children for her neighbour and her 2 nephews. Ana Maria is a member of the Julio Hernandez Co-operative which is made up of 42 small-holder farmers and was set up in 2002 as part of the SOPPEXCCA union of co-ops http://www.soppexcca.org/en/

Ana Maria also grows beans and corn on her small holding and keeps goats. She has never travelled outside Nicaragua before and so Bristol Link with Nicaragua is helping her obtain a passport! She will be speaking about how being part of Fairtrade has improved her life and enabled the farmers in the co-operative to run a sustainable business, adapt to the effects of climate change and provide education and healthcare for the local community.

You can meet Ana Maria at an International Women's Day celebration at La Ruca Café, 89 Gloucester Rd on Tuesday 8th March 7.30-9pm. Only space for 40 so book your place here: http://iwd2016.eventbrite.co.uk Donations on the door. Women and men welcome.
Ana Maria will be speaking at schools across the city and at a Fairtrade Schools Conference attended by 25 schools from Bristol, Somerset and Wiltshire. The Conference will focus on the effects of climate change on farming in developing countries, and how Fairtrade is helping them adapt and mitigate the effects. Full details: http://www.bristolfairtrade.org.uk/#!schools-conference-16/c1wbe

Fairtrade Pop Up Shop @The New Room, Broadmead, 1st - 24th March 10am-4pm 

 Want to buy Fairtrade Mothers Day and Easter presents? Find a wide selection of Fairtrade goods from local suppliers at this exciting new venture being run by Bigger Picture Events in partnership with Bristol Fairtrade Network. 
The Pop up shop will sell a variety of Fairtrade goods supplied by local businesses.

Fairtrade Chocolate Extravaganza Event!  at The New Room on Saturday 5th March 10am to 4pm

There will be an array of chocolate tastings and a great range of chocolate products to buy including gifts for Mothering Sunday and Easter. Ana Maria Gonzalez from Nicaragua will be doing a talk at lunchtime on her life as a cocoa farmer and the difference Fairtrade has made to her, her family and her community.