Global Aware Bulletin
September - October 2016
Dear Friends
As the temperature starts to drop and the leaves start to turn, so a new school year begins. Let's view this new season as a time to 'See what God will do' (Micah 7) in a world full of injustice, poverty and conflict. And let's make sure we are fired up and ready to be part of God's healing for our world.
In particular, please make every effort to come to our event on Refugees in October - this came out of the Global Aware Conference in February as many people recognise the crisis and don't know how to respond - this event is for you!
1. Refugee camps in Lebanon, Greece and Calais - as increasing numbers of people flee violence in Syria and other war-torn countries, refugee camps are at bursting point and resources are running low. Please pray for the refugees themselves as well as for the aid agencies, looking to provide for basic needs, and bring hope and dignity in place of despair. Pray for our local response, in Bristol and nationally, that we may be a place of welcome and sanctuary.
2. Zimbabwe - Recent peaceful protests against government corruption, unemployment and hunger have been met with police brutality, and the situation seems to be escalating. Please pray for a peaceful outcome and for better conditions for the poorest citizens.
World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel, 18th-24th September - Pray for a stop to the increasing demolition of Palestinian homes, and for a just peace for all in Palestine and Israel. For more prayers and resources
1. Include Season of Creation Resources in your Harvest service
Ideas for prayers, services and personal actions throughout September, to celebrate and care for creation, are here:
2. Pray and March for Refugees
An ecumenical service and march in support of refugees is being held by multiple Christian agencies on Saturday 17th September in London. Full details
If you can't join the march, please pray for this event and for the world leaders' summit about refugees on 19th September.
3. Join in the Climate Coalition Week of Action, 8th-16th October
Plan ahead for Christmas! (Sorry to mention the C word already!)
Celebrating Jesus, the light who came into the world, at Christmas we fill our homes with light and laughter, family and friends. But for more than 65 million people who are fleeing from conflict and crises, a cosy home is a distant memory.
You and your church or business can help shine light into people’s lives through our Christmas Appeal which this year will focus on people seeking sanctuary. Now's the time to book a speaker and order resorces - email:
dandoherty a_t christian-aid d_o_t org
1. Paul Field performs for Unseen, Fri 30th September 7.30-9pm, Wesley Chapel Bristol
Paul Field in concert, performing songs written for 'The Stolen Lives Project' in collaboration with The Wilberforce Institute, on themes of modern and historic slavery
Tickets are £8 and available
2. Safe and Welcome; a Christian response to refugees and asylum seekers, Thursday 13th October 7-9.30pm St Nicholas Church Bristol BS5 0RE
Come and hear the voices of our refugee and asylum brothers and sisters, come and learn how churches and others are creating places of welcome, come and discover how you and your community can be part of bringing life and hope to our refugee community. This event is organised by Global Aware, City of Sanctuary and Churches Together as a critical response to a pressing need. Please come.
3. Golden Ticket Gala, Thursday 20th October, 7-10om, Armada House Bristol BS1 4BQ
A sparkling night of inspiration and fun to raise money for a brilliant new device that eliminates the use of mercury for small scale gold miners, transforming the health of communities!
Enjoy a wonderful 2 course dinner from Armada House chefs using Fairtrade and local ingredients and a glass of Fairtrade wine or juice from the Co-operative.
Hear about the Fairtrade Gold project and how your money makes all the difference from Greg Valerio MBE, the inspiring pioneer of Fairtrade jewellery.
Help us reach our fundraising target by taking part in the raffle and auction to win some amazing prizes.
Tickets cost £25 for dinner, a drink and your chance to win a Fairtrade Gold necklace by being the holder of the Golden Ticket! Book here :
Flyer attached - please publicise to friends, colleagues and churches
Please do share these Bulletins with friends and congregations if you can. Remember that every prayer, every action you take in support of the poor has a massive impact because God will multiply it : 'Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me' (Matthew 25)
I hope to see you at an event soon!
May God bless you
Jenny Foster, for the Global Aware Team