fairtrade sains


Take action in Bristol to stop Sainsbury's from ditching Fairtrade!

More than 90,000 concerned voices have now added their name to the petition calling for Sainsbury's to reconsider their decision to drop the FAIRTRADE mark from their own brand tea. Thanks to every one of you who has signed the petition to stand up for tea farmers' rights; the petition is still open to new supporters!

Today's response from Sainsbury's shows that progress is being made, but the fight goes on, and we'd like to share two simple steps that you can take to keep the pressure on Sainsbury's, and show them that Bristol won't support their decision.

1. Write to your local MP (find them here) asking them to add their name to the Early Day Motion put forward earlier this month expressing regret at Sainsbury's decision, and supporting Fairtrade. So far, none of Bristol's MPs has added their name to the motion. CLICK HERE for an email template and a list of local MPs' email addresses.

2. Take a letter to your local Sainsbury's store manager. We need to let local Sainsbury's store managers know that we're deeply concerned about Sainsbury's decision to drop Fairtrade. Download, print and personalise (store manager name & your name/signature) a copy of this letter and take it to your local branch of Sainsbury's (find your local branch and the name of the manager here). There are more than a dozen branches to target in the Bristol area, and the more letters each one receives, the louder our voice will be.

Do let us know if you take action, who you've contacted and whether you receive a response - we'd love to hear your updates!

Source: www.bristolfairtrade.org.uk