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Get ready for schools work post-lockdown

Hi Everyone
We wanted to let you know that bookings are now OPEN for the Prayer Spaces in Schools (PSIS) 2020 Conference on Monday 21st September.
This year PSIS have teamed up with Youthscape – and it looks like being a brilliant time of resourcing and inspiration with a variety of input for those involved in serving both primary and secondary schools.
The theme is: New Hope
“Social distancing. Year group bubbles. Enhanced risk assessments. Visitor restrictions.
School is going to look very different in the next academic year, because of the ongoing impact of the Covid-19 virus. This means the way that churches and Christian organisations offer support to schools will need to change too.”
And of course, there are big questions about the impact that these last few months have had on children and young people. For some, it's been a safe and enjoyable time, while for others, it's been acutely challenging and traumatic.
As these children and young people return to schools in the coming months, the need for pastoral, safeguarding and wellbeing services is likely to be high.
There are certainly going to be challenges, but we want to face them with new hope, and navigate our way through them into a better future.
This free Conference will include keynote presentations, live webinars, breakout discussions and Q&A with a wide range of schools-work practitioners and experts.
We’ll be there! And we'd love you to join us as we explore the future together for serving schools in and around Bristol.
For more details on the contributors, and for information about how to book your place at New Hope, please visit the Eventbrite booking webpage: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/new-hope-registration-112101801506
"I have plans for you," says the Lord to Jeremiah, "plans to give you hope and a future."
With our love,
Liz and Jane
