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Dear brothers and sisters

Together4Bristol: Transforming Bristol Together

One exciting development over the last 3 or 4 years, which we recommend you get involved with, is called Together4Bristol (T4B).

T4B is a “network of networks”, with Churches Together in Greater Bristol (CTGB) partnering with Bristol and District Evangelical Alliance, Arise!, Bristol Networks website and others. It is accountable to the Presidents of CTGB listed below.

T4B is a growing “unity for mission movement” of churches, prayer groups and networks across the whole, or spheres, of life. These spheres are Sport, Health, Education, Family, Politics and Social Action, Arts, Media and Business and Workplace. This movement helps the Christian community be good news for the Bristol region.

Together4Bristol longs to see the WHOLE Christian community working together in unity to help spread the Kingdom of God throughout the WHOLE of life across the Bristol region.

To find out more about how to get involved, please see the new T4B website: or contact Roger Allen:

Yours in Christ

Bishop Renford Brown: Chair, Bristol Black Churches Council
Revd Nigel Coles: Senior Regional Minister, West of England Baptist Association
Majors Ian and Jean Harris: Divisional Commander, Severn and Somerset Division, Salvation Army
Revd Dr Jonathan Pye: Chair, Bristol Methodist District
The Rt Revd Mike Hill: Bishop of Bristol, Diocese of Bristol
The Rt Revd Declan Lang, Bishop of Clifton, Clifton Diocese
Rob Scott-Cook: Celebration Network of churches and Woodlands Group of churches
Revd Ruth Whitehead: Moderator, South Western Synod, URC
Download .PPT Powerpoint Version: Click Here
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