
The radical life of Jesus had an impact on everyone he met. Who we are and what we model impacts people around us. Power for healing is released through those who are moved by compassion rather than judgment, having met with the deep empathy, love and healing power of God in the midst of their own hardship and brokenness.

Healing comes gradually though belonging to a loving family of God where we feel honoured and valued, where we are drawn into freedom, maturity and unity of heart. Healing and deliverance may also come suddenly through direct encounters with Jesus.

Unconditional love like this increases well-being in every aspect of our lives: spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and relational. Love like this embodies the power for healing at a depth that professional skills alone can never accomplish.

Love like this has the power to transform the culture of healthcare.
health support

About Us

We are a network of Christians who feel drawn to this lifestyle, playing an active part in our own healing and becoming enablers of healing for others.

We value both unity and diversity. We are gathering with others to deepen this radical lifestyle of truth, loving-kindness and transformation.

We link with a wide spectrum of healthcare workers and Christians involved in healing ministries, including various organizations listed below.

widfire stand

What we do

Gather: To build relationships and unity
We connect with strategic individuals to help encourage their personal and professional involvement in wholeness and well-being.

We began with over 5k people at the Arise Bristol! Ashton Gate stadium gathering, where we prayed for and released individuals involved in the Health sphere. Other gatherings include a Healing conference for more than 600 with Randy Clark, with training for about 60 health-care professionals in praying for healing. The Healing Streams network conference explored God's patterns for well-being of Body, Mind and Spirit for about 100.  Bristol Healing Rooms held 2 conferences for around 200, and spoke at 3 international conferences in Poland.

Grow: To learn from God and each other
Bristol Healing Rooms offer weekly prayer times and  have many testimonies of physical healing, inner healing and deliverance. At weekly Healing Homes people meet in a loving community and offer one another ongoing prayer.
Healing Pools are bi-monthly meetings for networking and prayer.

We pray regularly together for one another, and for every aspect of health across the Bristol region. We prayed for people through Healing on the Streets and Living Free, at the Party in the Park, when over 5k people gathered. We had seminars on Health-care issues from Christian perspectives at the Going Deeper gathering at the Colston Hall (now called Bristol Beacon). We were part of a city-wide All Night Prayer Vigil.

Go!: To act together and as individuals
We have had discussions with Bristol City Council and healthcare commissioners about wholeness and well-being, helping facilitate a Recovery and Resilience meeting. We have engaged with the City Office to help churches link with GPs across Bristol, through social prescribing, helping to bridge the systemic divide between treatment of physical, mental and spiritual disease. We have taught students at Trinity theological college.

We are involved in steering groups to develop a Recovery Centre for people recovering from drug and alcohol dependence, and to establish a Healing Centre in Bristol.

Bristol Healing Rooms has been seeing people healed on the streets through prayer and worship.

See the Timeline for more examples of how we are helping transform the Bristol region for good.

How to get involved

Healing Streams is a network of Christians through which relevant information and news can be circulated. For further details contact Clare Fleming -

Bristol Healing Rooms provides prayer for healing, including occasionally on the streets. For further details contact David Coates

Are you involved in any way with the Health sphere in the Bristol region? We would love to connect with you. Please get in touch with Clare Fleming - 

praying group

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