About Us - Love Family

We are a group of Christians, from different churches and organisations across the city, who gather together twice a month to pray, and then take action, for the transformation of family life in the Bristol region. We link with the various organisations listed at the bottom of this page.


We believe strong marriages and families are key to a healthy society but we also know that for many of us, relationships can be a struggle. We long to see every couple and parent in the Bristol region have easy access to help and support for their relationships.
We want to encourage Christians in Bristol to model biblical principles of connection, forgiveness and love in their homes. We also long to see them help and support other families in their communities.

Love Family logo

What we do

As well as pray together, we encourage churches and Christians across the city to invest in family life through relationship and parenting programmes. We:

Gather: To build relationships and unity
We gather Christians to build relationships, exchange news, get a better overview and build a “network of networks” involved in parenting and family life. We gather them at a variety of events, small and large. We have had several gatherings, such as evenings introducing different charities, like the National Parenting Initiative and Parent Buddies. We have a Facebook page where we seek to highlight the church's provision for families in the city. 

Grow: To learn from God and each other
We pray together for one another and for every aspect of family life across the Bristol region, twice a month, morning and evening. We also have a WhatsApp prayer group for more immediate prayer requests. We learn together and share resources, such as Parenting courses, and practical projects, such as Kids Matter training. We have been involved in city-wide gatherings, such as the “Building Families as Factories of Hope” conference in the City Hall.

Go!: To act together and as individuals
At the Arise Bristol! Ashton Gate stadium gathering of over 5k people,  we released Christians to help transform family life in the Bristol region. Since then we have seen a number of new charities and organisations set up to support family life in the city, including the National Parenting Initiative Bristol Bath Regional team, Parent Buddies, Begin Well, The Relationships Academy and PAPAYA (Parents Against Phone Addiction in Young Adolescents) as well as encouraging national organisations to operate in the city. For example Home for Good has done great work in encouraging over 60 Christian families to adopt or foster, during lock down.

happy family and prayer

Latest Family News and Events  

God's Design and Purpose for Family (Part 2)
How can the Church empower the family, marriage, and those who are single?
God's Design and Purpose for Family
Family is where the discipling of a nation begins. Is marriage empowering or unfair? Will it survive?
Hop Into Easter - Lot's New at the Zoo
This April, embark on an eggs-traordinary adventure at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm with a whole month of Easter fun!
Thu 7 May - The Marriage Course
St Nicholas Bristol, BS1 1UE
Help Build a Forever Home for Aqua
Noah’s Ark has set out it’s biggest and boldest mission to date, to build a forever home for a rescue tiger in need, Aqua.
Santa Is On His Way
The festive season is upon us, and we’re delighted to bring some extra sparkle to your visit at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm!
Brand New Resources: Lego Christmas Story Trail and More
We’ve got some fantastic resources to share with you this month. Check out what's coming up!
5 Ways for Couples to Keep Love Alive
Have you ever felt like life is just dragging you from one day to the next?

Older Family News