

Transforming Bristol together

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Building Bristol as a City of Hope

The Challenge. Bristol: a Tale of Two Citiesone city
There are many positives about Bristol. It was recently voted the best place to live and the kindest, happiest city in the UK. And yet, there is a tale of two cities. For example, it is one of the worst cities in the UK to be born poor. Over 50% of children in Lawrence Hill live in poverty, less than a kilometre from the prosperous Temple Quay Business District. There is a nine year Life Expectancy difference between two neighbouring wards (Henleaze and Southmead). Bristol is the most racially segregated of the UK's ten core cities. And the North of Bristol is generally affluent, with the South much more deprived.
The Response of the Christian Community.
In the last few years, the Christian community has responded to this challenge in various ways. We have facilitated a “unity for mission” movement, called Together4Bristol (T4B), across the churches, prayer groups and networks in the spheres of life, to help be good news for Bristol. We have worked closely with the Mayor, Council and City Office. We are engaging with the One City Plan, with it's vision that “in 2050 Bristol is a fair, healthy and sustainable city. A city of hope and aspiration, where everyone can share in its success”. T4B's vision is that “we long to see the WHOLE Christian community working together in unity to help spread the Kingdom of God throughout the WHOLE of life across the Bristol region”. We want to help build Bristol as a City of Hope.

To get involved contact Roger Allen:

To see practical examples of action taken, see the Timeline
Together4Bristol also known as:
CTGB Nov 2020 150 transparent

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Springtime Fun for Everyone at Sparks
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