
100 Friends Easter Appeal:

We invite you to join with Together4Bristol to help transform the Bristol region



Arise Bristol Ashton Gate Video 2012

Dear Friend

Happy Easter, may you be blessed throughout this season of renewal and bright new beginnings and thank you all so much for supporting this website through your kind donations!

We are asking for your help.

Since March 2011, Together4Bristol's website and social media have been enabling the Christian community to work together, to help transform the Bristol region.

For example, the website has helped publicise: various city-wide gatherings, such as with over 5,000 people at Ashton Gate Stadium, the Churches City Fund which raised £130,000 to help feed Bristolians during the pandemic, and the annual Churches Winter Night Shelter, with 150 volunteers from 34 churches.

Bristol Churches Winter Night Shelter

The website has become the one-stop-shop to find out what is happening to help change the Bristol region for good: what the key issues are, what gatherings and projects are happening and to enable Christian candidates to be found for jobs and volunteering roles.

Much of what we have been able to achieve has happened because we have built a community using the website and Facebook group (with over 900 members), and through the mailing list (to over 1,700 subscribers), receiving the monthly e-newsletter.

We regularly receive feedback, for example, about how people feel encouraged to take action, through seeing what God and the Christian community are doing across the Bristol region, or are thankful for help to find a job, or to find volunteers.


BCCF2020 and heart gift 600 ea

£5,000 is needed each year to update the website and social media.

We now need your support because the funding which kept the website and social media updated, and which created the monthly e-newsletter is no longer available.

We invite individuals and organisations to make a small but regular donation to cover these costs.

If 100 Friends each gave £50 a year - just £1 per week, and were able to gift-aid their donation, we would be able to sustain this vital work.

Would you be willing to help us in this way and donate to the 100 Friends Appeal?


Please pray that the money is found and about whether this is something you could be a part of. Of course, if you are able to give more, that would be greatly appreciated, and any gift – especially a regular one – no matter how small, will help us reach this target and enable this important service to continue.

You can securely donate online using the form below, or on the Donate page or alternatively by downloading this manual form, printing it off, filling it in and then sending it to the address on the form.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and for your prayers and kind consideration!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

God bless

Roger Allen (Trustee of Together4Bristol):
Adam Hudson (Together4Bristol website):



Donate online using a credit/debit card

We now ask for a £25 donation per job advert and a £10 donation per volunteering opportunity thank you.

Please use the secure form below to donate directly to the Together4Bristol website:

Please note: The system may return £0.00 when you have submitted the donation form, do not worry, the correct amount will still come through, this is a technical glitch that occurs occasionally, tech support are aware and it will be rectified soon!

  Please see our Privacy Statement to understand what personal data we hold about you, how we manage that data and what your rights are relating to your personal data.

Posted: November 2024