What is Christian Action Bristol?

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Inspiring change through social action and politics

Christian Action Bristol (CAB) helps individuals & churches stay informed with news, events & volunteering around Christian Social Action & Politics in Bristol.

social action homeless

What we do

  • Curating and collecting in one place - the CAB website - local news, events and opportunities around social action and politics.
  • Inspiring and informing you with the news and the needs from across our city.  
  • Encouraging and equipping you to get involved and make a difference in our community.
faith politics

Gather: To build relationships and unity
We gather Christians engaged in social action and politics across the region, for example in 14 strands, or networks, of activity such as Debt Advice, Food Poverty, Homelessness and Housing, Prison Ministry and Ex-offenders, or Trafficking and Vulnerable Women(see the list at the bottom of this page). We gather Christians at a variety of events, for example the Building Bristol as a City of Hope conference in City Hall. This gathered 200 key city leaders from business, public sector, charities and churches to explore the Christian community's engagement with the council's City Office, through seven Offers and Asks, such the Bristol Churches Winter Night Shelter, with about 500 volunteers from 16 churches.

Grow: To learn from God and each other
We pray together about three times a year and have had a couple of weeks of Prayer and Fasting for social action and politics across the city. We had seminars to explore social action and politics issues from Christian perspectives, such as at the Going Deeper city-wide gathering at the Colston Hall (now called Bristol Beacon). We have also set up the Bristol Churches City Fund, which raised over £130k to help alleviate food poverty during the COVID-19 crisis.

Go!: To act together and as individuals
We started at a gathering with over 5k people at Ashton Gate stadium in 2012, where we prayed for and released individuals involved in social action and politics. During the COVID-19 crisis, 300 volunteers from 67 churches, supported isolated and vulnerable people in the community through The Noise. Demand for food was four times higher during lockdown and this was met through Feeding Bristol, with foodbanks, which fed over 20k people, and food clubs (which expanded from 5 to 16). Fareshare worked through 250 community projects. As this film shows, the overall response was extraordinary.

See the Timeline for more examples of how we are helping transform the Bristol region for good.

How you can get involved

We want to help individuals, groups and churches connect with their passion to see positive change in the city.
See the Timeline for examples of how we are helping transform the Bristol region for good, through involvement in social action and politics.
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List of Networks

Like the rest of Together4Bristol, Christian Action Bristol is a “network of networks” in the following strands of social action and politics. For full details see the CAB website:

Addiction Support and Recovery
Community and Social Prescribing
Debt Advice and Support
Environment and Creation Care
Food Poverty
Homelessness and Housing
Politics (local and national) (no link)
Prison and Ex-offenders
Refugee and Asylum Support
Social Investment
Street Pastors and Police
Trafficking and Vulnerable Women

Latest Politics and Social Action News and Events  

Connecting People through Peace Feasts and Grand Iftar
a few brief updates, with links to our website to find out more and to see more pictures, and to find out what’s coming up. We are also pleased to share with you our Impact Report for 2024.
#NHNWSummit: Reasons to be Hopeful
The Summit underscored the urgency of collectively addressing the Temporary Accommodation crisis, and in particular child homelessness
This Isn’t What People Voted For
We’re deeply concerned by the cuts announced to disability payments...
ISAAC Conf, Wild Goose Meals, International Women's Day and More
inHope's vision is of communities where everybody can reach their God-given potential, free from injustice and insecurity.
Debt Justice New Documentary
In ‘Michael Sheen’s Secret Million Pound Giveaway’, the Hollywood actor details how he has helped write-off a million pounds worth of debt for people in the region where he grew up to try and force change on the system.
Oasis News February 2025
Push yourself to the limit in support of young lives! We have free spaces available for a host of upcoming challenge events...
Trussell Trust: It’s Been Two Years!
It’s been two years since we launched our call on the UK Government to embed an Essentials Guarantee into Universal Credit.
Noise 365 February Update
We at Bristol Noise have been in such a season, where we knew the 365 project would only be possible, with the right intentions at the right moments.
Sixty-One Easter Gift Bag Project
Can you help us give 400 Easter Gift Bags to women at Eastwood Park Prison
Meeting Bristol's Needs: Bristol Churches Gather to Support Vulnerable Children and Families
Hosted by Good Faith Partnership and Christian Action Bristol, 60 representatives from 40 churches gathered at City Hall...
Lent Programme Resources from MentorMe
a package of thought-provoking materials for congregations, small groups and individuals to dig deeper into some key themes of Lent, shared for free.
‘Bristol’s Collaborative Approach is a Beacon of Hope in an Increasingly Divided World’
Something remarkable happened in Bristol last summer that should serve as a reminder of our identity as a city.
Beloved Newsletter Winter 2025
It has been a season full of connection, hope and cherished memories with the incredible women we serve in Bristols indoor sex industry.
Noise 365 January Update
We feel passionately, that local community engagement remains one of the keys to helping people in areas of practical need, and in assisting in building up relational resilience so people feel supported whatever season they are living through.
Christians in Politics: Should we Speak Truth to Power?
Increasingly we know that many of those involved in politics are actively avoiding the anxiety and anger-inducing tendencies of social media ‘armchair campaigning’ in favour of building real local relationships.

Older Politics and Social Action News