All Health News


Sat 15 Mar - ISAAC UK and Ireland Conference
St Micheals Conference Centre, Bristol, BS34 8PD
Discover More About Your Life Purpose!
Through practical tools and reflective questions, listeners are offered steps to begin the journey of unlocking their life's meanings and contributions.
Trauma Breakthrough: Our Holiday Season Update!
We've been running our programmes and groups to help people feel less isolated in the darker months as well as fundraising!
What we do is life changing
As we enter autumn, we remain absolutely committed to supporting adult survivors of trauma and abuse.
Good News to Share
Three days a week women can meet with healthcare professionals including a specialist nurse, sexual health nurse, prescribing nurse and a GP.
Hearing Well: Sound Warriors
Millions of teenagers and young people are at risk of hearing loss due to the unsafe use of personal audio devices and exposure to damaging sound levels at venues such as nightclubs, bars, concerts and sporting events
Your NHS Trust Needs You
We need EVERY Christian to get involved and lets see if we can have a formally recognised Christian presence in every NHS Trust by the end of 2022!
We Need To Show Another Way - News Release from Through the Roof
“Jonathan’s presentation is highly recommended viewing for those committed to enabling disabled people to be part of church life, and absolutely essential for those who aren’t!”
Opportunity to Make a Difference - Healthwave - A research movement
to understand peoples experiences of using digital health services... we will feed any insights shared to NHS teams to ensure they are well informed when designing health services
Letter from Bristol City Council for churches to share about the Covid-19 vaccines
Please could you share the following message with your congregation at your next available opportunity...
Update to Bristol Church Leaders
We have had so many significant opportunities as church leaders to be involved in seeing our city transformed in huge long term ways.
Is it all too much? Survey asks what emotional support is needed during crisis
As the nation’s mental health makes headlines during lockdown, counselling charity Network asks just what support people need. The Christian charity wants to understand what impact the unprecedented circumstances are having...
Healing Streams Update
There are clear signs of the Spirit leading us and we are currently in the stage of discernment of vision and possible sites.