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Bristol Churches Winter Night Shelter

But not as we knew it!
Bristol Churches 2021 Winter Night Shelter is almost ready to roll. It may be quite different to previous years but we’re still relying on your prayers to cover both our guests and volunteers. Can you also pray God's blessing on our Coordinator. Amanda, who despite several year’s experience has had to reinvent how we look after our guests. Pray also for the supporting churches who although they are not hosting in their own buildings will be serving at mealtimes one day each week at the B&B.
You have the opportunity to be part of our prayer launch/dedication service 4pm this Friday, New Year’s Day.
It will be an opportunity to thank God for what has been made possible despite Covid.
Although our first guests will not now be arriving until Monday 4th, Amanda will be onsite to give a preview.
We also hope to hear from several of the churches who are part of the team.

Please remember to have a candle with you ready to be lit for our guests.

Click here to register & we will send you the meeting link.

"He will spread his wings over you and keep you secure.  His faithfulness is like a shield or a city wall"  Psalm 91.
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Posted: Dec 2020