Research Request: Christian views about LGBT+ people and issues across different Christian denominations
I am seeking Christian participants from any and all denominations to complete an online survey as part of my research. I am an MPhil student at the University of Cambridge researching Christian views about LGBT+ people and issues across different Christian denominations. A range of views is sought and all views are treated equally and confidentially. All responses will be anonymous.
The survey should only take around 10-15 minutes to complete and can be completed through the below link:
The only requirements for participating are that the participants are Christian, 18 years or older, and reside in the UK.
I am happy to answer any questions you or anyone else has about this study and can be contacted at
eat37 a_t cam d_o_t ac d_o_t uk.
Many thanks for your help.
Kind regards,
Ellen Taylor-Bower
University of Cambridge
Posted: July 2021