Roger Allen is changing roles within Together4Bristol in November

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Rev Eric Aidoo, Chair of Together4Bristol / Churches Together in Greater Bristol (T4B), has announced that Roger Allen is stepping down, after eleven years, as Enabler for Mission and Unity. Roger will continue to be involved with T4B, networking across the spheres of life, because “we long to see every Christian released to be good news in the whole of life in the Bristol region: in Arts, Business and Workplace, Education, Family, Health, Media, Politics and Social Action and Sport”.

Eric said: “Our dear colleague Roger, after prayerful consideration and consultation, has felt impressed to step down as Enabler for Mission and Unity, in order to spend more time developing the work with T4B's Spheres which has been a great passion of his for quite some time now.

We will respond with befitting honour and acknowledgement of his selfless devotion. He intends to finish his role at T4B's AGM on 25th November.I am sure you would all agree with me that Roger has been a real inspiration and blessing for Mission and Unity among the churches in the Bristol region.

Roger said: “I have loved working together with colleagues and friends across the Christian community and beyond, to help see God's kingdom grow and to see T4B flourish in so many ways. I am so thankful to God for being able to be part of this adventure.

I am aware that there is much more to come and so, intend to carry on doing the work with T4B's Spheres. I look forward to many more adventures together in the coming years, to see more of God's kingdom come in the Bristol region!

Many thanks to everyone for all your friendship and God bless our future collaboration!

For more information: contact Roger Allen ()


Posted: September 2021