BCCF is aiming to raise £60,000 to support churches to run welcoming spaces for a second winter, or other churches to start a welcoming space for the first time.
In the Autumn of 2022, there was a call to set up a network of
Welcoming Spaces across Bristol. Over 100 were established, with a third being based in churches, most of which had smaller congregations and located in the more deprived parts of the city.
Through this, new friendships and relationships have been developed, and many churches are experiencing a fresh connectivity and relevance with their local community. BCCF are seeking to raise funds to provide further support for these local churches.
‘These churches have limited resources, and we’re therefore seeking to encourage the Christian community across the city to give generously into the Churches City Fund to enable us to provide funding for these initiatives.’
‘Our hope is to raise £60,000 over the coming months to support this work, which we hope will be match-funded through other sources. We would therefore encourage you to be as generous as possible as we seek to resource and equip churches across the city to share God’s love with the most needy.’