Transformed Working Life
Dear Friends,
Many of us are in professions where we must do CPD. A definition of CPD or Continual Professional Development is:
Continuing, or continuous, professional development (CPD), can be broadly defined as any type of learning you undertake which increases your knowledge, understanding and experiences of a subject area or role. CPD is an ongoing and planned learning and development process.
So, what has CPD to do with TWL?
TWL has been my CPD. Each time I am on the course it increases my knowledge of God’s Kingdom, helps me to understand in greater depth the workings of God’s Kingdom, and enables me to experience greater realities of God’s Kingdom in my business life. TWL is my personal ongoing, planned learning and development process within the marketplace about my primary calling which is to be an Ambassador for the Kingdom of God in the marketplace.
When we watch, for example, international football players, we are seeing footballers who have mastered the basic skills of football to a very high standard and have learned to play together so they are a powerful and effective team. Their goal, excuse the pun, is to win. I need TWL because I am still learning to master all the spiritual skills and biblical principles that TWL covers. And I need ICCC, why? So I can learn to play in a team that wins!
To register for this next Foundations Series please email
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Blessings, Shalom
The TWL Team
Posted: September 2024