Dear Friends,
We are delighted to present to you what we, as a trustee board, have been working on over this year. Back in the spring, we began our future-dreaming process, asking ourselves what Christian Surfers UK might look like in 2034.
The process of our co-produced vision took three stages: future dreaming with trustees where we asked them to write a narrative of what CSUK could look like. We then repeated this process at the Leaders Gathering in the spring. All these thoughts were refined into common themes which informed a survey that Chelsea and Jonathan sent out to our membership. All the data has been thematically analysed to produce four areas of work that centre on our vision: so that every surfer and every surfing community would have the opportunity to know and follow Jesus.
These are as follows:
Throughout the process we have taken external advice to ensure that the decisions we make will best serve the future of CSUK.
This is a bold future vision for 2034, but one we believe has been inspired by God and co-produced with our leaders and members. To deliver this vision, we are going to need a strong and focussed leadership team, led by a new National Director. We know that God has someone out there for this role, so the search is on.
It this time, I am reminded of a leadership handover in the Old Testament and the words given. “Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you”. Deuteronomy 31 v 8. These words are perhaps for us to hold onto as we look ahead to what God has for CSUK over the next decade.
Rob Crouch
It seems very strange coming to my final Christian Surfers AGM as national director after 32 years. As I looked around the screen every one of the faces at the meeting, so many stories from the last few decades came to mind. Each one of you has a powerful role to play in this mission of CSUK.
For Annie & I, it has been a bit of a rollercoaster since we decided to transition and that will be finally on August 1, 2025. Between then and now there is so much to do in order to hand over well to the new team. We also intend to visit many around the country to thank you for the role you have played in our journey over the years.
I am also convinced that CSUK is in a very healthy space, and there will be no one more passionate person to cheer the new National Director on (and indeed the wider team) than myself. I will of course be still very much involved in the surf community, although prayers to what looks like would be really appreciated. I will still be looking after Christian Surfers throughout Europe and maybe beyond, with perhaps some other key areas of focus such as para surfing and wave pools. Obviously, I will be stepping down from the ND role as well as a trustee. The CS network is full of some amazing friends, so no doubt, I will continue to connect and serve alongside many of you in future.
I have often said how fragile the CSUK ministry has been since we started, yet God has never let us down. I hope one day to write a book which highlights just how many miracles we have seen over the last three decades and the great news is, there are still many, many more chapters ahead!
So, thank you to each and every one of you for the role you have played in Annie’s and my life – to this very special tribe we will forever give thanks. The verse which is just as relevant today as it was when we first started - Hebrews 11 v 8 “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.”
Phil Williams,