Street Pastors Recruiting
Hi there,
You may have seen Justin Welby, The Archbishop of Canterbury going out with Kingswood Street Pastors on on BBC Points West, last weekend.
I thought it would be a good time to promote Bristol Street Pastors, as we have a new training programme starting on 4th October '14. We patrol the City Centre and Park Street between 10.30pm and 3.30am on four Saturdays a month.
We are trying in a small way to make the City Centre a safer, more peaceful area. We look out for vulnerable people who need a helping hand, pick up numerous bottles and broken glass, give out flip flops to girls who have abandoned their painful high heels and are walking barefoot and generally are available for the emergency services to call on us.
Below is our latest newsletter to give you a flavour of what we do.
Our aim is to have enough volunteers to cover every Friday AND Saturday night. We also have Prayer Pastors who are vital to the project. They are in mobile contact and stay back at base praying for us. If you would like more information or are interested in being a Street Pastor or a Prayer Partner we would love to hear from you. If you would like someone to speak at your church please get in touch.
You can contact me by ringing 0117 9858378 or e.mailing
bristol a_t streetpastors d_o_t org d_o_t uk
Love, Joy and Peace,
Andy Luxford